Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Impromptu 5k

This past weekend was absolutely beautiful! So beautiful I managed to put in 10.23 miles over the course of Saturday and Sunday! It was 60-70 degrees and sunny. Absolutely perfect!

Since Sunday morning was so nice out, I could not resist showing up at the local 5k in our area. It was a super hilly course, and by that I mean if we weren't going uphill we were going downhill, there was not a single stretch of flat on the entire course. All of the houses were absolutely gorgeous as well! They were all $1,000,000+ which was nice to look at. They had there own gates, guest houses, etc. One even had it's family crest adhered to the facade. Unbelievable!

I was super excited because this was the first time I was able to meet my family at the finish line. This is probably one reason I was able to end strong. Seeing Des jump up and down saying "Go mommy!" was one of the best feelings. It was a small race too. There were only 155 runners. I'm not sure how many walkers there were, they actually seperated them all out.

I absolutely hate when races end in an uphill. I don't think it's nice. And this one did just that. On my way up it I was walking, and this guy (who had already finished) was running back encouraging everyone. He looked me square in the eye and said "It's right around that corner. You got this!" He said it with incredible gumption, like he knew I could more than I did. So at that moment I put in everything I had and it felt GREAT!

We went out to breakfast afterwards and then Greg wanted to hit the gym. So I went with him (why should I have to start the yard work all by myself?). And go figure - it was his cardio day. I had lifted weights the day before after my run, so I didn't have it in me to lift again. I did 2 miles on the treadmill next to him. I think it would have gone a lot better if I hadn't just eaten at a diner. But I focused on doing some speed intervals. The fastest I got was a 9:13 pace for three and a half minutes, then I'd have to back off and walk a couple minutes, run at my typical 11:31 for a few minutes and then try to push it again.

Then I got to mow the yard and go grocery shopping and clean the house. It was super productive, I really need more days like that!!

Now I'm just trying to get through this week. Our big bbq is this upcoming weekend and next weekend I'm off for vacation. I cannot wait to run on the boardwalk at 7 am! I think I read online that it's 2 miles long, and we're sitauted almost near the beginning, so it should be a great change of pace. I can't imagine what it's like to run on a totally flat terrain. What an indulgence!


  1. Great job on the intervals! I need to do those!

  2. Thanks! When I was only doing 30 minute runs the treadmill was fine, but now that I try to go 45-65 minutes it gets a bit mundane. If I end up on a treadmill it's the only time I try to do speedwork since it gives me something to do on the treadmill (change the pace and watch the clock). I can't bring myself to do it outdoors yet.
